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Homepage / Performances / Archive repertoire / Others


Creators: CHOREA Theatre

Director: Tomasz Rodowicz

Dramaturgy: Tomasz Rodowicz, Ewa Otomańska

Music: Paweł Odorowicz

Vocal: Joanna Chmielecka

Cast: Sara Kozłowska, Ewa Otomańska, Michał Jóźwik, Tomasz Rodowicz, Mateusz Swarabowicz

Premiere: 25.11.2017, Łowicki Ośrodek Kultury (Kino Fenix), 40. Łódzkie Spotkania Teatralne




The "OTHERS" project is a performance concerning the otherness and familiarity. It is a story about situation when another person becomes a stranger or the other. Is it possible, that by telling someone's story you can tame him? Can we recognize ourselves in the strangers, in the others? The more we know about them, the less we fear? Or is it the opposite? Can we turn our fear into curiosity? How to take this route: CURIOSITY - RISK - FRANKNESS - ASTONISHMENT - CLOSENESS, instead of: FEAR - ISOLATION - CLOSURE - REJECTION.


Performance "OTHERS" created by 6 actors and dancers, and 2 live musicians, is inviting the audience to participate. We use texts from the book "NIE-OBCY", Zbigniew Herbert's poetry and texts written by Amiri Baraka.




Watch the photos by Dariusz Śmigielski