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Homepage / Concerts / Archive repertoire / Lullabies


Music: Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Kuba Pałys

Direction: Dominika Krzyżanowska Gorzkiewicz

Vocal: Children, special guest vocalists,

Great Choir of Young CHOREA: Elizabet Araj, Joanna Chmielecka, Jacek Czapnik, Joanna Filarska, Sandra Gierzek, Dominika Jarosz, Michalina Jędrzejczak, Majka Justyna, Joanna Kłos, Aleksandra Kozioł, Dominika Krzyżanowska Gorzkiewicz, Marcin Kobyliński, Milena Kranik, Maria Mażewska, Anna Przybyt, Marta Rakowska, Marta Sterna, Justyna Sobieraj-Bednarek, Aleksandra Szałek, Elina Toneva, Paulina Tralewska, Dara Weinberg, Jacek Witych

Musicians: Paweł Odorowicz (viola), Krzysztof Szmytke (violin, mandolin, lyre), Kuba Pałys (piano), Wojciech Traczyk (double bass), Hubert

Zemler (percussion)

Visuals: Electro Moon Vision

Light: Tomasz Krukowski

Sound (on the premiere): Krzysztof Sztekmiler

Sound: Marcin Dobijański, Tomasz Krukowski

Texts: Adam Asnyk, Joanna Chmielecka, Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński, Jan Kondrak, Dominika Krzyżanowska Gorzkiewicz, Tomasz Krzyżanowski, Tomasz Nowaczyk, Włodzimierz Słobodnik, Kuba Pałys, Katarzyna Wolińska

Premiere: 9-10.12.2013, Muzyczny Theatre, Lodz




What is the scent of night? Where does the rain take a rest? Who puts the echo to sleep? Is it possible to sail on a silver moon? Do foxes yawn? Where is the Dreamland? What are the colours of night butterflies? Who is stampingaround in the attic at night-time?


...a lot of incredible and peculiar stories happen just before bedtime... Children dream about flying and adults dream about a peaceful moment for themselves, or about a trouble-solving machine, to deal with the most difficult problems.


All of us - young and older - we are waiting for the moment when dreams are drifting straight into our beds. In this special time everything calms down and softens. We are entering the world of imagination, fables, fairy tales and lullabies. This unique time lasts only for few moments. But we will try to stay in this world a little bit longer...


We would like to invite for a unique concert, placed between reality and sleep, between fairy tales and everyday life, between childhood and adulthood, among the colourful images and smooth sounds. Lullabies, music stories, sometimes serious, sometimes simply for fun will be sung by children, special guest vocalists and the Great Choir of Young CHOREA.


Our special guests were: Natalia Przybysz, Natalia Grosiak, Krzysztof Zalewski, Piotr Rogucki




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Watch the photos by Rami Shaya

Watch the photos by Karolina Szczepocka

Watch the photos by Alexandra Galambová

Watch the clip "Pan Księżyc"

Watch the film "Lullabies" making-of